Privacy and Consent Policy

The data collected from registered and non-registered users of content on this site ( falls within the scope of the standard functioning of open access content publishing. It is used to inform readers about the authorship and editing of content; it enables collecting aggregated data on readership behaviours, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.

Data that will assist in developing this open access content platform (Thoth Archiving Network at Cambridge) will be accessible to the Open Research Systems team (the team managing the infrastructure underpinning this site).

Website visitors

The platform underpinning this site collects anonymised usage log data, including IP addresses, pages visited, date visited, browser information, and geographical data. This information is not used to identify visitors personally and it is not used for any purpose other what is described here. The platform also uses cookies to manage session history and provide a better user experience – more details can be found in the Cookies section below.

Rights of the Individual

Those involved in managing the Site's content seek to be compliant with industry standards for data privacy, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provision for “data subject rights” that include (a) breach notification; (b) right of access; (c) the right to be forgotten; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of “the public interest in the availability of the data,” which has a particular saliency for those involved in maintaining, with the greatest integrity possible, the public record of scholarly publishing.

All users whose details are stored in the platform underpinning this site can exercise their rights of the individual, as they are detailed in the GDPR.

If you have a user account and wish to have it deleted, please email:


A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables a website to remember your actions and preferences over a period of time, so you don't have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

We use cookies to manage session history. It is used only to store a session ID and to facilitate logins.

We also use performance cookies to analyse site usage so we can measure and improve site functionality. The tool we use most consistently is Google Analytics. Anonymous data about your visit is collected and amalgamated with that of other visitors so we can better understand how people use our website. You can opt out of providing us with this information if you wish, with no impact on your experience of our website.

We also collect anonymised usage log data, including IP addresses, pages visited, date visited, browser information, and geographical data. This information is not used to identify you personally and it is not used for any purpose other what is described here.

How to control cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer, and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit the site. Please also note that if are a registered user and block cookies, you will not be able to log in to your account.

More information

For more information on cookies, please visit Cambridge University Libraries' information page on web privacy.