Myers, Kathleen Ann2024-04-172024-04-172024-03-059781805112068978180511207597818051120829781805112112978180511209996d7f2cc-d864-4363-8caa-abd2c74fe35d status: ACTIVEThis book draws on the life stories told by shepherds, farmers, and their families in the Andalusian region in Spain to sketch out the landscapes, actions, and challenges of people who work in pastoralism. Their narratives highlight how local practices interact with regional and European communities and policies, and they help us see a broader role for extensive grazing practices and sustainability. A Country of Shepherds is timely, reflecting the growing interest in ecological farming methods as well as the Spanish government’s recent work with UNESCO to recognise the seasonal movement of herd animals in the Iberian Peninsula as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Demonstrating the critical role of tradition, cultural geographies, and sustainability in the Mediterranean, this book will appeal to academicians but also to general readers who seek to understand, in very human terms, the impact of the world-wide environmental crisis we are now experiencing., Politics and SociologyEnvironmental StudiesEuropean StudiesCase studiesEcologyPastoralismShepherdsSpainSustainabilityA Country of Shepherds: Cultural Stories of a Changing Mediterranean Landscape